week 2 Weekly Work Log  TEMPLATE

Session Number 5
Week Number 2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week?  to find and map out the different places we want to film.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
3/27/23complete making blog posts and last weeks work.35 minutes yes because this helps me carry out this weeks work.
3/28/23 made a filming equipment checklist and made the first location map that we are wanting to film at 40 minutesyes because now we can check off and make sure we have everything we need when filming.
3/29/23research my film genre and analyze the filming structure and style  30 minutes yes because this will help me make decisions about what to do when filming our film.
 3/30/23 started making a shot list with notes and ideas. 35
 yes so I can look back at my shot list and make reference to what I am filming at that moment.
 3/31/23researched leaders in my field and studied some of their practices.   35
 yes So I can get a better Idea of how we want our film to look and what kind of a vibe it should have.

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