week 7 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number: 5# goes here
Week Number:7# goes here
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4 1/2 # goes here
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Goal goes here
to complete our film and have all blogs/production work completed.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
08/05/22fill in role evidence for production blog post.45 minyes
09/05/22 complete/review and edit blog posts.40 min yes
 10/05/22 turn in completed film. 30 minyes 
 11/05/22  45 min yes
 12/05/22  40 min yes

How The Heart Decides.

Production Blog Post

Include all of the following requirements as evidence in your blog post:

  1. Prepare all FILMING EQUIPMENT and make sure it is there and READY FOR FILMING.
  2. Set up and design all lighting to CREATE MOOD and ATMOSPHERE.
  3. Set up and operate CAMERA, DOLLY and FILM EQUIPMENT.
  4. Communicate with the director regarding CHOICES MADE and help SOLVE ANY PROBLEMS encountered during shooting.
  5. Make DAILY PRODUCTION NOTES with a description of CHOICES MADE, CHANGES to the original plan and any ISSUES that arose during the film shoot.
  6. Make sure that FOOTAGE IS SECURE and BACK-UP COPIES are made and stored in a GROUP PRODUCTION FOLDER.
  7. Communicate with the editor and sound person regarding CHOICES OF FOOTAGE captured that may affect their roles.

week 6 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number:#5
Week Number:#6
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: #4
What is/was your overall goal for this week? to get all the filming done and start editing.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
05/01communicate with team to re shoot film45 min yes
05/02 fill in production blog post40 minyes 
05/03 review shot list 20 min yes
 05/04 watch clips from banshees for shot references 35 minyes 
 05/05 prepare film equipment for saturday filming. 45 min yes

week 5 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number: #5
Week Number:#5
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: #4.5
What is/was your overall goal for this week? the goal was to get our filming done and start editing.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
4/24filling in blog post.45 min yes so i have an abundance of information always available to me.
4/25 choosing filming locations45 min yes to help when we start filming.
4/26  didnt feel good this day but made adjustments to shot list20 min  best I could do at the time but yes.
 4/27 was sick  30 min no
 4/28 was sick 45 min nope