Production Project Session 1 – Year 2


Role Cinematographer

Intention (SMART GOAL)


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Training Source(s)

Project Timeline

Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Grammar and Spelling


week 7 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number: 5# goes here
Week Number:7# goes here
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4 1/2 # goes here
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Goal goes here
to complete our film and have all blogs/production work completed.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
08/05/22fill in role evidence for production blog post.45 minyes
09/05/22 complete/review and edit blog posts.40 min yes
 10/05/22 turn in completed film. 30 minyes 
 11/05/22  45 min yes
 12/05/22  40 min yes

How The Heart Decides.

Production Blog Post

Include all of the following requirements as evidence in your blog post:

  1. Prepare all FILMING EQUIPMENT and make sure it is there and READY FOR FILMING.
  2. Set up and design all lighting to CREATE MOOD and ATMOSPHERE.
  3. Set up and operate CAMERA, DOLLY and FILM EQUIPMENT.
  4. Communicate with the director regarding CHOICES MADE and help SOLVE ANY PROBLEMS encountered during shooting.
  5. Make DAILY PRODUCTION NOTES with a description of CHOICES MADE, CHANGES to the original plan and any ISSUES that arose during the film shoot.
  6. Make sure that FOOTAGE IS SECURE and BACK-UP COPIES are made and stored in a GROUP PRODUCTION FOLDER.
  7. Communicate with the editor and sound person regarding CHOICES OF FOOTAGE captured that may affect their roles.

week 6 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number:#5
Week Number:#6
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: #4
What is/was your overall goal for this week? to get all the filming done and start editing.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
05/01communicate with team to re shoot film45 min yes
05/02 fill in production blog post40 minyes 
05/03 review shot list 20 min yes
 05/04 watch clips from banshees for shot references 35 minyes 
 05/05 prepare film equipment for saturday filming. 45 min yes

week 5 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number: #5
Week Number:#5
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: #4.5
What is/was your overall goal for this week? the goal was to get our filming done and start editing.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
4/24filling in blog post.45 min yes so i have an abundance of information always available to me.
4/25 choosing filming locations45 min yes to help when we start filming.
4/26  didnt feel good this day but made adjustments to shot list20 min  best I could do at the time but yes.
 4/27 was sick  30 min no
 4/28 was sick 45 min nope

week 4 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE

Session Number 5
Week Number 4
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week?  to finish the missing stuff in my pre prod blog post, and to make a short film using my phone.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
04/17/23film short movie using phone.45 min yes
04/18/23 complete missing work from prod post45 min yes
 04/19/23 make production blog post. 25 min yes
 04/20/23 make sure everything on half sheet is done. 45 min  yes
04/21/23 work on finding evidence and work on blog. 45 min yes

week #3 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE

Session Number 5
Week Number 3
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week?  collaborate and make notes of discussion with team, make a shot list with details, and take some test shots.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
04/10/23collaborated with director, editor, and sound designer.35 min yes
04/11/23 take test shots.45 minyes
 04/12/23 turn in old work. 35 min yes
 04/13/23 working on finishing pre production journal blog. 45 min yes
 04/14/23 completed pre production blog post. 45 min yes

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: 

How The Heart Decides Film Pre-Production Cinematographer’s Journal

Romantic River Scene” by Boston Public Library is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


two friends unknowingly match up on a double date with the same girl, resulting in an awkward love triangle.

8: imbalance. showing imbalance between the friends.

9:balance showing the balance between the two after the ordeal.

13: linear when a decision need to be made or when the characters are at a cross roads.

14: triangular showing the conflict between the 3 characters through filming angles.

Test Shots

evidence of different focal lengths:

different camera placement:

Lighting Tests

lower lighting to make everything more even.
top light to give warmth
white light to make a shadow.
another light for shadows

Equipment Checklist

Collaboration with Director

Set-up Sequence Workflow

I am the cinematographer and you can see which work I am doing which is done and which is needing to be done.

Map of Each Location

map #1

map #2

Storyboard Notation

What I Learned

I have learned to effectively communicate with my team, to colab and share ideas. organize my work efficiently and carry out planned shoots. some different problems I have solved were creating a space for our sound designer to be able to get adequate sound, and helping our director come up with different

Research material …

Examine samples…

ReviewMarking The Shooting Script (PDF)

week 2 Weekly Work Log  TEMPLATE

Session Number 5
Week Number 2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week?  to find and map out the different places we want to film.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
3/27/23complete making blog posts and last weeks work.35 minutes yes because this helps me carry out this weeks work.
3/28/23 made a filming equipment checklist and made the first location map that we are wanting to film at 40 minutesyes because now we can check off and make sure we have everything we need when filming.
3/29/23research my film genre and analyze the filming structure and style  30 minutes yes because this will help me make decisions about what to do when filming our film.
 3/30/23 started making a shot list with notes and ideas. 35
 yes so I can look back at my shot list and make reference to what I am filming at that moment.
 3/31/23researched leaders in my field and studied some of their practices.   35
 yes So I can get a better Idea of how we want our film to look and what kind of a vibe it should have.

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: 

Week #1

Session Number 3
Week Number 1
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week? my goal was to learn some new tips and ways to film and find a leader in my role to research.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
3/20organize trello10 minutes helped me get a sense of time on how long tasks might take.
3/21 mood board35 minutes helped to describe our movie with using only visual proof
 3/22 researched leaders in my role 40 minutes helps me gain knowledge on filming.
 3/23 created blog post for session 5  40 minutes allows me to keep track of all my work as well as keeping resources and knowledge on hand.
 3/24 got everything turned in for the week and researched filming tutorials45 minuteshelps me to feel good knowing I have done what I needed too for the week. 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Production Project Session 4


Role: cinematographer

Intention (SMART Goal) By May 10th as Cinematographer I will have evidence of visual story space by using tutorial – DEEP SPACE, FLAT SPACE, LIMITED SPACE, AND AMBIGUOUS SPACE IN FILM for Session 4.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Jeffrey Cronenweth

Training Source(s)

  • 1:11 His father was a famous cinematographer.
  • 3:18 Likes using realism and naturalism.
  • 4:09 Likes using natural lights.
  • 7:51 He likes using digital photography and digital production.
  • 9:23 Uses spherical lenses.
  • 10:16 Prefers to put lights overhead or behind characters.

  • When his ex girlfriend calls him an ass-hole the camera shift to a his POV
  • Camera shows focus on him when he walks through the doorway and when typing on computer showing how focused he is
  • A low camera POV shot from the letter looking up at him after it was slipped under the door
  • their was unique shot composition when switching between the past and future scenes
  • A shot of the friend looking straight at the camera when he delivered an important line.
  • the film uses a-lot of shots where the camera moves with the person walking
  • Cool lighting choices during the scene where the ex-girlfriend lit the fire in the background

Project Timeline May 10th

Proposed Budget NONE

Evidence of Team Planning and Decisions

trello planner/task tracking sheet.


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Proble solving and communicating with my team to get our finished product.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

effectively communicating with my team, working in an orderly fashion.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

the youtube video I linked above.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

Erik said “the film was really good, and I liked the balance between comedy and drama I believe it worked well. But I wish there waere some more cuts and screen time for the priest to have an even more balanced feeling of drama and comedy, over all a very good film”

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I really enjoyed making this film and getting to be fun and creative with my friends, its always a blast to get out and fiom something no matter what it may be, becuase somehow we always make it funny or put our own personal twists onto it. It’s great seeing all of the different skills from the individuals on our teams come together to make something, whether it’s good or not it’s a creation of multiple ideas put into one and neverthe less is interesting. overall I really enjoyed the end result of our film and I am looking forward to out future ones to come.

Grammar and Spelling


